Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery

Good Living Medical Centre is fully equipped to handle the most advanced dental extractions and related surgeries. Our specialist dentists, with their skillful and gentle approach, can administer dental extraction procedures with minimal to zero pain. The missing tooth space can subsequently be replaced with an implant/denture or a bridge to prevent further complications.

Is Dental Extraction Painful?

Generally, the area is numbed with a local anesthetic while our experienced dentists ensure that you are not in any sort of pain before proceeding with the procedure.

The pain may start as soon as the anesthetic wears out, which is usually after 2 hours.

That’s why our dentists may prescribe painkillers before the anesthetic wears out to help control the pain.

How long is the procedure ?

The procedure depends on the complexity of the case. However, most cases are completed in less than 1 hour.

Will I be able to work after the procedure?

It’s best to keep yourself free so that you can head home and relax for rest of the day. You may go to work the next day, provided that you are feeling comfortable. However, make sure to take it easy and avoid exerting yourself.

What to expect after wisdom tooth extraction?

You may experience mild to moderate discomfort, bleeding, and swelling in the areas where your wisdom tooth was removed. It is common for some mild to moderate pain and swelling to persist for a few days after your surgery. But worry not – your dentist will prescribe you analgesics (pain medications) to help relieve discomfort for a more comfortable recovery.

What to expect after wisdom tooth extraction?

Erosion Cavity

Infection results when a wisdom tooth hits a neighboring molar


Although uncommon, cysts can destroy the bone and damage other teeth


When a wisdom tooth pushed hard against other teeth


An impacted wisdom tooth pushes through the gum and infection forms aroud the tooth top

To speed up the healing process, follow these helpful tips after your wisdom tooth removal:
  1. Change your gauze pads as needed and remove gauze pads from your mouth once all bleeding has stopped. (After 30 mins)
  2.  Try to prop your head up with a few pillows when resting, so that you are not lying down flat
  3. Apply a soft cold compress or ice pack to the outside of your cheek to help decrease the swelling
  4. Try to get as much rest as possible for the first 24 hours
  5. Avoid smoking and drinking through straws for at least 48 hours. This can loosen blood clots that have formed where your wisdom teeth have been removed and delay the healing process
  6. Avoid drinking alcohol for at least 24 hours as it can irritate the surgical sites
  7. Stick to ingesting only soft foods and liquids for the first few days. You may consume soup broths, puddings, Jell-O, scrambled eggs, finely mashed potatoes, milkshakes, and applesauce. As your mouth begins to heal, slowly add solid foods to your diet
  8. Avoid rinsing your mouth for the first 24 hours. Only after the first day, begin rinsing your mouth gently with a warm saltwater solution about every 3-4 hours (especially after meals) to help alleviate any pain or swelling and to keep the surgical sites clean
  9. Keep your tongue and fingers away from touching the areas where your wisdom tooth was removed
  10. Continue to brush your teeth twice per day but do so very carefully and gently
  11. Call your dentist immediately if you experience unusual symptoms such as severe pain, vomiting, and/or persistent bleeding 24 hours after your extraction