General Dentistry

Tooth Coloured Fillings

Does the treatment hurt?

Our experienced dentists make sure that the whole procedure is as painless as possible. Early cavities that are minimally abrasive should not hurt. However, if you feel sensitive during the procedure, the dentist may numb the tooth with a local anesthetic.

Can I eat immediately after the treatment?

Yes, you can! The white fillings are set with a special curing light that makes the filling strong and hard to chew upon immediately. It’s highly recommended that you start eating soft food items and then move on to harder foods, once you get comfortable with it.

Will it be painful afterwards?

In most cases, our patients do not feel any pain during or after the treatments. In some cases, there can be an issue of sensitivity which might last for a few days before settling down. There can also be mild to moderate discomfort from chewing food; in which case, we recommend our patents to visit us immediately so we can take care of your discomfort.

Can I do multiple dental fillings all at the same time?

Yes, you can! However, it depends on the time availability of the dental unit and how long you’ll be able to keep your mouth open.
What happens when a dental filling fails?
Dental fillings can last for a long time if it is taken care of in a timely manner. If a filling has been identified as chipped or failing, our dentists might recommend you to replace it with a new one.

Will I have sensitivity after the dental fillings?

Sensitivity will depend on the depth of the cavity. The closer it is to the nerves, the bigger the chance of it being sensitive. The fillings can reduce tooth sensitivity, but in certain cases, it might take a while for the sensitivity to subside after you’ve had the procedure.

How often should I visit the dentist for a follow up on my dental fillings?

It’s recommended to follow up with your dentist every six months. This way, your dentist will pick up minor defects even before they become visible to you. This also gives you an opportunity to address any minor concerns that may be bothering you in the recent months.

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