Anxiety Neurosis

Anxiety Neurosis

Homeopathy treatment for Anxiety Neurosis

Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress which can be described as a feeling of alarm or worry.  Many people get nervous or anxious when facing a problem or challenge at work, before going for a test, interview, or exam, or before making an important decision in life. A certain amount of anxiety is normal; it can be beneficial in some situations as it alerts us, prepares us, and allows us to avoid dangerous situations. Anxiety is nothing but anticipation of a future concern and is more associated with muscle tension, feelings of nervousness, and avoidance behavior.

Anxiety disorders or anxiety neurosis is not just a normal feeling of nervousness or anxiousness; it is intense uncontrollable fear or anxiety due to the anticipation of a threatening event or situation. Patients often share that they are unable to control the intense feeling of worry or anxiety. This heightened anxiety interferes with the personal, professional, and social life of a person. In most patients, the intense feeling of anxiety, unreasonable worry, and restlessness is accompanied by some physical symptoms. Anxiety disorders have a significant negative impact on the quality of life of the sufferer.

How long will it take to cure Anxiety Disorders?

Most of the patients taking treatment for Anxiety Neurosis experience improvement in the initial four to six weeks of the treatment. The total duration of treatment may vary from eight months to two years or longer depending on the following factors:

  • The severity of the disease
  • Duration i.e. when the patient is suffering from an anxiety disorder
  • Other associated psychological diseases, depression, personality disorders, obsessive traits, etc.
  • Current and Previous use of conventional medications, such as anti-anxiety, anti-depression medicines, etc. The level of drug dependency