


Appendicitis is a condition with painful swelling, inflammation and infection of the appendix. Appendix is pouch like structure that is seen attached to the large intestine. Appendix is a vestigial organ that means it doesn’t have any specific function. The main cause of appendicitis is unknown but mainly due to any blockage or infection in the appendix. It is more commonly seen in children and teenagers but can occur in any age. People with a family history of appendicitis are at higher risk for getting it.

Types of Appendicitis

      There are two types of Appendicitis.

  • Acute appendicitis: sudden onset and severe pain that gradually intensifies in 24 hours. It is more common in children and young adults. Men are affected more than women. If left untreated, the appendix will burst and result in serious life threatening fatal condition.
  • Chronic appendicitis: the onset is mild and the symptoms may disappear and reappears again after a week, month or year. This makes it challenging to diagnose appendicitis until it becomes acute. This type is usually less common than acute.


The main symptoms of appendicitis are cramping unbearable pain in the upper abdomen area near the bellybutton area that gradually moves to the lower right part of the abdomen. The pain increases while moving or coughing and makes it difficult to do daily activities. The pain tends to be severe when awake from sleep and intensifies in a day for acute appendicitis. The onset is sudden and severe unbearable abdomen pain as compared with any other abdomen pain for Acute appendicitis. The pain is mild usually after an acute episode for chronic appendicitis. The other symptoms seen in appendicitis include indigestion, loss of appetite, vomiting or nausea, low fever, abdominal swelling.


Appendicitis when left untreated can lead burst of appendix that causes serious life threatening condition. The three main complications are

  • Abscesses: this occurs when appendix bursts and the infection gets collected as pocket of pus around the appendix. This can be severe painful and cause serious health issues.
  • Peritonitis: this occurs when the appendix bursts and infection drains into the abdominal cavity or peritoneum making it infected. This can be fatal and dangerous. The heartbeat will be increased as a result of peritoneal infection, high fever, breathing difficulties and severe continuous abdominal pain.
  • Sepsis: This is rare. This happens when infection enters the blood stream and affects all the other parts of the body. This leads to fatal condition.

Homeopathy is the right choice for Appendicitis

After confirming the diagnosis with an abdomen scan and blood tests to check infection, it is better to treat with homeopathic medicine rather than other types of medicines. In other medicines, prolong course of Painkiller and antibiotics that has side effects are administered. In severe and acute cases, surgery is carried under general anesthesia that in turn is more painful and traumatic. In homeopathy, the specific course of homeopathic medicines completely cures the infection and inflammation without any invasive or surgical intervention. The pain subsides and all the other symptoms are reduced in the first line of homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy is effective in both acute and chronic appendicitis.