


Osteopathy is a philosophy of healthcare that acknowledges that the living body is a self-renewing, self-regenerating, and self-recuperating system that maintains health constantly throughout life.

Osteopaths are the trained professionals to conventionally diagnose the diseases by using their hands to assess body function and dysfunction. this allows the osteopath to acquire uniquely sensitive information about the dysfunctionality within the body and in this way the insights can be helpful to restore health. Osteopaths primarily treat the consequence of events that could have contributed to the occurrence of these medical conditions.

Cranial osteopathy: it’s the name given to a subtle and refined approach to osteopathy that follows all the principles of osteopathy, and it’s used throughout the body, not just within the head. It includes the structures inside the top.

Cranial osteopaths use a highly developed sense of touch to feel subtle changes in tension and tissue quality within the living anatomy of the full body and to diagnose areas of strain or dysfunction. it’s accustomed to treating areas within the body that are full of past events, like old accidents and injuries. The body may have learned to complete a traumatic event or injury and also the patient is also unaware that there’s anything wrong, but the consequences should still be present and relevant to current symptoms. The osteopath treats the reason for the symptoms and reduces the possibility of symptoms returning in the future.